Don’t reward your players

Don’t reward your players

Don’t (just) reward your players: how rewards can lead to less engagement. When you reward someone they expect roughly the same reward next time they do so. But every time they get a reward the reward becomes of less value. There’s great psychology behind...
Don’t reward your players

Frog pond effect

Frog pond effect: Always be able to come on top. It’s a measured and researched effect. People tend to be more motivated when they have a clear rival and will always be able to reach the top of a leader board. Making sure that your players will always have the...
Don’t reward your players

Game skills

Every gamer is a potential top talent without even realizing it. Now that gaming has become the world’s largest entertainment industry and gaming is becoming more integrated into everyone’s daily lives, it’s high time to explore the potential of...
Don’t reward your players

Games on your CV; The beginners guide

Since we are currently assisting the Defense with recruiting new personnel based on the games candidates play, we thought it would be a great idea to create a general guide for anyone looking to enhance their resume with the games they play, aiming to play specific...
Don’t reward your players


As most people already know, we develop gamified questionnaires. We’ve been doing this for nearly ten years, building significant expertise in this field. However, we still notice confusion about the term “Gamified.” So, what do we mean by that?...