Enterprise software integration

Iamprogrez services can be obtained as a full service or partly/largely integrated within the clients architecture depending on the clients needs. We create a valuable add-on to your corporate academy

EnterpriseĀ software-integration options

Iamprogrez services can be obtained as a full service or partly/largely integrated within the clients architecture depending on the clients needs:

  • Our use of the Azure platform for Identity & Access makes it possible to easilyintegrate with Microsoft clients, creating seamless integrations for users.
  • We integrate with Teams to easily distribute our services to users within clientorganisations and save & access their information via teams.
  • Our platform is provisioned to share data with Client applications and/orMicrosoft HR- products.
  • For HR partner solutions we offer an API-level of integration to fully integrate within the target solution.

Our tech

iamprogrez services are enabled through our state-of-the-art platform:

  • Adaptable: through our Microservices architecture and components,
  • Easily adoptable by clients with our configurable branding, functionalities, models, services and business package options,
  • Non-code/ Self-Service portal: Our normal delivery of services require no effort of our Development team. The MS Marketplace offerings are fully self-service,
  • Trustworthy: being a Microsoft partner and using the capabilities the Azure platform in creating reliable, secure and connected services (our offerings are available via the MSMarketplace, ISV MacEligable status)
  • Scalable: using the latest technologies to size the platform up & down according to the traffic and the provision able architecture to effectively grow our business globally (outside Europe)
  • Dev Resources availability, our services are built on leading languages supported by a large worldwide community, with our Javascipt/Typescript back-end and an Angular front-end

Secrutity information


The technology of Iamprogrez is fully GDPR compliant . Data is stored on behalf of the user. User gives consent for access to their data. A processing agreement between concerned parties is part of the start up process.

Information security/cloud services

Iamprogrez is a Microsoft partner (ISV, Independent Software Vendor) Iamprogrezā€™s platform runs on Microsoft Azure.


Security Connections and data exchange between the device of the end-user, frontend,backend and database are encrypted over SSL . Azure is ISO 27001 certified. We use the Microsoft Azure Cloud West Europe. Data storage and the storage of user information takes place within the European Union.

Iamprogrez is trusted by:

IamProgrez BV

Caballerofabriek Eenheid 71
Saturnusstraat 60
2516AH Den Haag NL

KvK 88895823