
Softlaunch at TwitchCon Rotterdam 28 & 29 juni 2024

Our skill builder technology brought to the gamer enabling every gamer in the world, to translate their game stats to a skill resume.

Try GameGraded for free

Be serious, keep on gaming

Which game you play, and your gaming style says something about you. In addition, gaming is simply a big part of your daily life whether you are a student or already have a job.

Time to do something with your invested gaming hours! All your epic fun hours in FIFA, WoW, CoC, GTA, Minecraft and Among Us are now more relevant than ever!

Keep playing (your) games and unlock your skills

So we have developed a technology with which we can translate the data from the games you play and your gaming style into relevant skills for your resume. And take our word for it — the more people do this, the more mainstream this will become in the labor market.
Of course, we only do this if you indicate that you want this (GDPR compliant) and all data are and remain your property at all times, you decide whether, when and how you share it with third parties.
We just translate your data into your epic game resume: GameGraded

Photocredit: screenshot EA Fifa23

Gamer stats


  • 9,8 mill Dutch citizens game every day
  • an average of 61 minutes per day
  • average age is 33
  • 46% is female
  • 90% of IT students are gamers


  • There are 3 billion gamers across the world.
  • 40% of the people of the world are gamers.
  • The average gamer is 35 years old.
  • 46% of American gamers are female.
  • Asia is the biggest gaming market, with 1.48 billion video game players.


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