
The benefits of future-proofing your organization

The benefits of future-proofing your organization

Justification and foundation of the future-proof bundle Over the past few years, we've experienced that as an organization, you must be able to adapt quickly in an ever-changing market. This is in contrast to many companies that haven't changed much over the past...

Digital recruitment and gameskills

Digital recruitment and gameskills

DW Digitaal had eight cases divided over three themes. Captain Erik Sneep from the Defense and Linda Frietman from IamProgrez share in this case study how the use of games in the defense sector has significantly increased their recruitment of young people, but more...

Why we do what we do

Why we do what we do

We have a passion for people, organisations, competencies, talent, soft skills, gaming, psychology, technology and data. Not necessarily in this order and it depends a bit on which one of us you ask. We want people and organisations to be able to develop optimally and...

IamProgrez BV

Caballerofabriek Eenheid 71
Saturnusstraat 60
2516AH Den Haag NL

KvK 88895823